• The main priorities of China Biogeochemical-Argo include maintaining a regional observation array in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and actively participating in international collaborations related to data quality control and management.

  • While the primary deployment areas are in the Northwest Pacific, the tropical western Pacific, and the north Indian Ocean, these are not exclusive, and deployments may occur in other regions as well.

  • A significant emphasis is placed on data management, including active engagement in meetings and the production of documents outlining data management and quality control procedures.

The China contribution to the global Biogeochemical-Argo program is primarily supported by various observation projects under the National Key Research and Development Program of China:

  • Recurrent funding: At present, there is no dedicated and continuous funding specifically allocated to Biogeochemical-Argo in China.

  • Project-based funding: China's involvement in the Biogeochemical-Argo initiative is organized through several projects, which receive funding from various sources. The primary source of funding is the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, which includes special projects for National Key Laboratories and initiatives supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China.

  • Long-term commitments: The China Biogeochemical-Argo program is committed to maintaining a sustained observation array in the Northwest Pacific, with approximately 10 floats in operation.

Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR – CSI


Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR – SIO
Xiamen University, XMU


Xiamen University, XMU
Ocean University of China – OUC


Ocean University of China – OUC


The Ministry of Science and Technology of China is an executive department of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, responsible for coordinating science and technology activities within the country.


The National Natural Science Foundation of China is an organization directly affiliated with China's State Council, responsible for managing the National Natural Science Fund.
  • Name:Xiaogang Xing
  • Affiliation:Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR (CSIO)
  • Country:China
  • Email:xing at
  • Name:Fei Chai
  • Affiliation:Xiamen University, XMU
  • Country:China
  • Email:fchai at
Biogeochemical Argo CHINA

National Report

Last Report - China