- National priorities
- Projects & funding schemes
- Participating laboratories
- Funding agencies
- National contact
- The Brazilian contribution to global Biogeochemical-Argo will be coordinated within the Argo-Brazil and GOOS-Brazil programs in collaboration with the Brazilian Navy in the scope of the Inter-ministry Comission Ocean Resources (CIRM) where the following national priorities will be defined.
- The overall priorities of Brazil Biogeochemical-Argo will be in phase with those defined at an international level with respect to scientific and societal questions, variables to be acquired and float mission configuration.
- Areas of preferential deployment are essentially the South Atlantic Ocean and the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean.
The Brazilian contribution to global Biogeochemical-Argo will be tentatively supported through the following sources of funding.
- Project-based funding: Biogeochemical-Argo contribution by the Brazilian community will be organized within the Brazil-Argo program, which is within the context of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS-Brazil). 4 Argo floats have been recently bought by the Brazilian Navy and similar funding will be pursued for Biogeochemical-Argo.