The Australian contribution to the global BGC-Argo program is funded by Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS). The IMOS BGC-Argo sub-facility is a collaboration between CSIRO and the University of Tasmania (UTAS).

  • The overall priorities of the Australian BGC-Argo sub-facility are in line with those defined at an international level with respect to the measured variables and the float mission configuration.

  • Areas of preferential deployments are Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the Southern Ocean.

  • The Australian BGC-Argo facility aims to enable research and collaboration among Australian government agencies and universities, and the data supports earth-system models.

The Australian contribution to the global BGC-Argo program is supported through various sources of funding.

  • Recurrent funding: IMOS funds about 2 BGC-Argo floats annually and also covers all salaries for personnel involved in BGC-Argo Australia. This includes procuring and testing floats, mission programming, deployment, decoding, QC and disseminating data. IMOS also funds data telemetry. The Australian BGC-Argo sub-facility works closely with Argo Australia at CSIRO in Hobart, Tasmania. BCG-Argo Australia has been operational since 2019.

  • Project-based funding: The Australian BGC-Argo sub-facility works closely with Australian researchers to facilitate BGC-Argo float procurement and deployment. Collaborators usually contribute funding for floats, while the BGC-Argo sub-facility covers float checks upon arrival, telemetry costs, data dissemination and QC. The facility encourages potential partners to get in touch. We’re always looking for collaborators. Current partners in project-based funding include:
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CSIRO, Environment


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania


Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)


The Australian contribution to the global BGC-Argo program is facilitated by Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), which is funded through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)
  • Name:Christina Schallenberg
  • Affiliation:Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
  • Country:Australia
  • Email:christina.schallenberg at
  • Name:Pete Strutton
  • Affiliation:Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania
  • Country:Australia
  • Email:pete.strutton at
Biogeochemical Argo Australia

National Report

Last Report - Australia