- National priorities
- Projects & funding schemes
- Participating laboratories
- Funding agencies
- National contact
The Australian contribution to the global BGC-Argo program is funded by Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS). The IMOS BGC-Argo sub-facility is a collaboration between CSIRO and the University of Tasmania (UTAS).
- The overall priorities of the Australian BGC-Argo sub-facility are in line with those defined at an international level with respect to the measured variables and the float mission configuration.
- Areas of preferential deployments are Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the Southern Ocean.
- The Australian BGC-Argo facility aims to enable research and collaboration among Australian government agencies and universities, and the data supports earth-system models.
The Australian contribution to the global BGC-Argo program is supported through various sources of funding.
- Recurrent funding: IMOS funds about 2 BGC-Argo floats annually and also covers all salaries for personnel involved in BGC-Argo Australia. This includes procuring and testing floats, mission programming, deployment, decoding, QC and disseminating data. IMOS also funds data telemetry. The Australian BGC-Argo sub-facility works closely with Argo Australia at CSIRO in Hobart, Tasmania. BCG-Argo Australia has been operational since 2019.
- Project-based funding: The Australian BGC-Argo sub-facility works closely with Australian researchers to facilitate BGC-Argo float procurement and deployment. Collaborators usually contribute funding for floats, while the BGC-Argo sub-facility covers float checks upon arrival, telemetry costs, data dissemination and QC. The facility encourages potential partners to get in touch. We’re always looking for collaborators. Current partners in project-based funding include:
- University of Tasmania: www.utas.edu.au
- Australian Antarctic Program Partnership (AAPP): aappartnership.org.au
- Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS): antarctic.org.au
- Formerly the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC): wwwace.aappartnership.org.au
- Formerly the Australian Research Council Antarctic Gateway Program (AGP): www.imas.utas.edu.au/antarctic-gateway-partnership
The Australian contribution to the global BGC-Argo program is facilitated by Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), which is funded through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)